- Sambor Grucza, Professor, Supervisor
- Magdalena Latkowska, Phd, Associate Professor, Head of the Center
- Boris Schwencke, Phd, Associate Professor
- Joanna Andrychowicz-Skrzeba, Phd
- Agnieszka Dickel, Phd
- Dorota Sadowska, Phd
- Patrycja Spytek, PhD
- Reinhold Utri, Phd

From 2008 to 2012 he was the dean of the Faculty of Applied Linguistics. He is an editorial head of the Lingwistyka Stosowana/ Applied Linguistics/ Angewandte Linguistik, a scientific editor of the series of the Studi@ Naukowe, Warschauer Studien zur Germanistik und Angewandten Linguistik and a scientific council member of several other Polish and international academic journals. A member of scientific associations, including Polskie Towarzystwo Neofilologiczne (Polish Neophilological Society), Polskie Towarzystwo Językoznawcze (Polish Linguistic Society), Intenationale Vereinigung für Germanistik, Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik. He is the President of the Polskie Towarzystwo Lingwistyki Stosowanej (Polish Association of Applied Linguistics) and the Vice-President of the Stowarzyszenie Germanistów Polskich (Society of Polish Germanists). His research interests include: applied linguistics – translation studies and glottodidactics, linguistics of languages for specific purposes, text and discourse linguistics, eye-tracking. More… He is the author of over 120 scientific publications, co-author of the series of 35 text books Dein Deutsch for the study of German as a second language at school. Publications

Degree of Doctor of Humanities in literature obtained in 2007. Based on the doctoral thesis entitled: “Günter Grass and Politics”, published in 2008 at the Publishing House of the University of Warsaw. In 2016 she issued a habilitation thesis under the title: “«Teachers of socialism” or «class enemies»? Writers of the GDR towards the uprising of June 1953, and the rise and fall of the Berlin Wall 1961-1989 “(ATUT, Wrocław 2016). The author of a total of three monographs and more than forty scientific papers, textbooks and expertises.
Her research interests include the social history of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic, German literary and intellectual circles, studies on the role of creative elites in politics, the social role of literature in history and today, as well as the Polish-German political and cultural relations.
Winner of numerous scholarships, grants and internships, among others, DAAD, KAAD (research stays in Germany), Warsaw University and the Free University of Berlin, the foundation Gerda-Henkel (scholarship for the implementation of outstanding projects in the field of historical research and interdisciplinary), the National Science Centre (program Opus 5, project manager). She took part in more than twenty conferences with the occurrence, including in Germany, the UK and China.
Initiator and participant in national and international research projects, conducted among in cooperation with the Institute of Historical Studies, University of Gdansk, Centre for Historical Research Academy of Berlin, the Institute of National Remembrance, the Free University of Berlin, as well as the universities of Oldenburg and Wuppertal.
Joanna Andrychowicz-Skrzeba, Phd is a research assistant at the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Poland, where she deals with Polish-German relations, foreign policy and historical policy of Poland and Germany. She worked as an international specialist in the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, where she was also a secretary of the Team of Social Advisors on Polish-German affairs and an editorial secretary of the bulletin “Debata” issued by the President’s Committee. She was a speaker in a constituency office of a German Bundestag deputy within the framework of the International Parliament Scholarship (ISP). Prior to that, she worked in the publishing house Axel Springer Polska, where she wrote, for instance, articles for “Dziennik” and its supplement – “Pret-á-porter”.
Joanna Andrychowicz-Skrzeba graduated from the Institute of Applied Linguistics, at the University of Warsaw. She also studied at the Johannes Gutenberg University (Germersheim) and at the Humboldt University of Berlin. Joanna Andrychowicz-Skrzeba received her PhD degree in 2013 at the Institute of German Philology at the University of Warsaw. She is the author of the book: “Polityka historyczna w Polsce i w Niemczech po roku 1989”.

A visiting scholar of the Free University of Berlin (Freie Universität Berlin) and the University of Constance (Universität Konstanz). On the basis of the dissertation: “As a child I always wanted to be an adult. The image of the child and childhood in the works of Cornelia Funke” received a PhD in literature at the Faculty of Modern Languages at the University of Warsaw in 2012. Her dissertation was published in the same year. Her research interests include contemporary Polish and German children’s literature, especially the pedagogical literature for children and youth, pedagogy of memory, intercultural education and comparative literary and cultural studies.
Reinhold Utri, PhD has been an assistant professor at the Linguistic Theory and Language Acquisition Division of the Institute of Specialist and Intercultural Communication (University of Warsaw) since 2007. Before that he used to be a foreign language teacher at the Faculty of Applied Linguistics. From 2009 to 2011 he was the secretary in the International Association of Germanic Studies (Internationale Vereinigung für Germanistik, IVG). Since 2013 he has been the coordinator of teaching practices, and since 2007 an assistant at the Faculty. Reinhold Utri acquired a PhD title in linguistics with the dissertation “Interkulturowość a uczenie języków obcych w Austrii, Niemczech i Polsce na tle polityki językowej Unii Europejskiej” (“Interculturality and foreign language teaching in Austria, Germany and Poland in light of the language policy of the European Union”) in 2007. From 2007 to 2016 he published 73 items (including 40 scientific articles, 7 popular science articles, 20 reviews and 6 reports) and co-edited a post-conference journal. His scientific interests involve the pluricentricity of the German language (the Austrian variety), bi- and multilingualism, interculturality, theory of teaching German as well as language policy.His translations include:
- from Polish into German: a book of Mieczysław Tomala Niemcy – moją pasją (Germany – my passion), in German: Mieczysław Tomala, Deutschland – meine Leidenschaft. Hass zersört – Versöhnung heilt, Elipsa Publishing House, Warsaw 2012, 302 pages.
- from Polish into German: 370 pages from the following book: Wiktor M. Góralski (ed.): Przełom i wyzwanie. XX lat polsko-niemieckiego Traktatu o dobrym sąsiedztwie i przyjaznej współpracy 1991-2011 (Breakthrough and challenge. 20 years of the Treaty of Good Neighborship and Friendly Cooperation 1991 – 2011). In German: Witold M. Góralski (Hg.): Historischer Umbruch und Herausforderung für die Zukunft. Der deutsch-polnische Vertrag über gute Nachbarschaft und freundschaftliche Zusammenarbeit vom 17. Juni 1991. Ein Rückblick nach zwei Jahrzehnten, Elipsa Publishing House, Warsaw 2011, 690 pages.
Moreover, Reinhold Utri participated in the literary competition “In the language of your heart” organized by The Social-Cultural Society of Germans in Opole Silesia in November 2007, coming third in the category “Poetry” and second in the category “Prose”.